
How to Apply Tan Lotion Like a Pro

How to Apply Tan Lotion Like a Pro

While we now have better and more advanced self-tanning lotions that promise amazing results, applying self-tanner—at least the right way—can be a challenge.

Thankfully, if you follow the right steps, attaining a flawless, natural-looking faux tan without the tell-tale signs isn't as difficult as it may sound.

We’ve done the research, consulted the experts, and compiled this guide so you never have to worry about a patchy or streaky self-tan ever again.

Today, we look at the steps you need to follow to execute a perfect self-tan, including:

  • How to apply a self-tanning lotion correctly
  • Where to find the best natural tanning lotion
  • Answers to the most common self-tanning questions

Step 1 - Shower and Exfoliate

The secret to getting an even, long-lasting faux tan lies in cleaning up well and exfoliating before application.

Showering and exfoliating gives you a fresh, smooth base to work with to create a patch-free tan. They are the perfect way to prepare your skin to readily absorb the tanning lotion for a seamless finish.

When exfoliating, focus on dry areas such as the ankles, elbows, and knees to remove dry patches of skin that might absorb extra tanning lotion.

If you have body hair you wish to remove, now is the time to get that sorted. Thick hair can get in the way of your tanning lotion. However, if the hair on your arms and legs is fine, there's no need to remove it before applying your tanning lotion

When you're done drying off after your shower, don't proceed to apply your body lotion immediately as you typically would. Instead, focus on moisturizing the dry areas of your body, primarily; your ankles, feet, elbows, knees, palms, knuckles, and wrists.

Step 2 - Moisturize Key Areas

When you're done drying off after your shower, don't proceed to apply your body lotion immediately as you typically would. Instead, focus on moisturizing the dry areas of your body, primarily; your ankles, feet, elbows, knees, palms, knuckles, and wrists.

Moisturizing these parts using an oil-free moisturizer prevents them from soaking in too much of the tanning lotion, leading to dark patches.

Keep the rest of your skin dry and free of oils and other lotions to maximize the effectiveness of your tanning lotion.

Expert Tip: If you have light hair and eyebrows, apply moisturizer around your hairline and your brows. This will prevent the active ingredient in your tanning lotion, dihydroxyacetone (DHA), from accidentally dying your hair and brows.

Step 3 - Apply Your Self-Tanning Lotion

Lux Gradual Tanner

If you want to apply your tanning lotion in the bathroom, wait until the humidity from your bath or shower subsides. The excess moisture will make it harder for your skin to absorb the tanning lotion, thus leading to an uneven and streaky tan.

Work on one section at a time, carefully applying your tanning lotion until it evenly covers your skin.

For the areas prone to dark patches, such as your ankles, elbows, and knees, you can apply a small amount of your regular lotion and blend it in with your tanning lotion if you had not pre-moisturized.

Around your feet, spread the tanning lotion from your legs onto your ankles and the tops of your feet, using as little tanning lotion as possible on these areas.

Don't apply any self-tanner on your heels, toes, and the sides of your feet, as these areas don't tan much naturally.

When applying the tanning lotion to your neck, face, and hands, less is more because the skin on these parts turn dark easily. Start with the places where you naturally tan, that is, your forehead, cheeks, chin, and bridge of your nose.

Use a gentle and steady circular motion to spread the lotion over the rest of your face, and be careful not to get too much on your upper lip as this spot absorbs more tanning lotion than the rest of your face.

Don't forget to apply behind your ears and the back of your neck, especially if you have short hair.

Step 4 - Clean Up and Let It Set

perfect faux tan for stage-ready skin

To get flawless results from your self-tanning lotion, towel off any excess product on your dry skin areas: the ankles, elbows, wrists, feet, and knees.

This will eliminate any unevenness and prevent patches from forming.

After that, wait at least 5 minutes to get dressed. Also, avoid shaving after applying your self-tanning lotion as the razor will scrape off all the product and ruin your tan.

Expert Tip: Give yourself enough time to execute your self-tan. A rushed self-tanning job almost always results in missed spots, streaky areas, and stains.

Bonus Tip - Cover Your Hands

The hands are notoriously susceptible to turning orange after self-tanning. Take extra care to ensure an even application without staining your fingers and palms.

If you decide to apply the product with your bare hands, apply a light layer of lotion over your hands first, and wash your hands with a cleanser and washcloth after applying your self-tanner.

Discover Pole Physics Luxe Gradual Tan

Pole Physics Luxe Tan


Pole Physics Luxe Tan is a unique self-tanning lotion specially formulated to easily and quickly absorb into your skin without being greasy.

The tanning lotion is part of the Pole Physics range of body lotions, which were initially designed for pole dancers, for whom healthy skin and grip are essential.

Pole Physics Luxe Tan features a unique formula with all-natural ingredients, making it perfect for people who want a flawless tan and healthy and hydrated skin without the slip.

This is a stark difference from most of the other self-tanning lotions available on the market. Here's a quick table comparison between Pole Physics Luxe Tan and a typical self-tanning lotion.

FeaturePole Physics Luxe TanGeneric Tanning Lotions
All natural ingredients
Never oily or greasy
Ideal for athletes and active people

Beyond these features, Pole Physics Luxe Tan also features industry-leading ingredients that guarantee the best results while nourishing your skin. These include:

Beyond these features, Pole Physics Luxe Tan also features industry-leading ingredients that guarantee the best results while nourishing your skin. These include:

  • Vitamin E: Which helps restore your skin's natural glow and repair damage. It's also known to support the immune system, improve cell function, and boost overall skin health.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: An extract from the Ginkgo Biloba tree, this ingredient has been used in eastern medicine since the 15th century for its soothing, anti-inflammatory qualities and antioxidants.
  • Horsetail: Another powerhouse skincare ingredient with roots in eastern medicine. Horsetail is a rich source of antioxidants and provides antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities to our Luxe Gradual Tan lotion.

These are just a few of the amazing natural ingredients we use in the Pole Physics Luxe Tan lotion. You can read our complete ingredients list to learn more about what makes our Luxe Gradual Tan lotion special.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my skin tone and type matter when choosing a self-tanning lotion?

Yes, skin tone and type do matter, but not as much as you think. What's most critical is the amount of self-tanner you’re applying and its strength.

Thankfully, this is not something you need to worry about with Pole Physics Luxe Tan.

Being a gradual tanner, it's easy to achieve and maintain the level of tan you’d like, depending on how regularly you apply it. You can also pair our Luxe Tan with our other lotions from Pole Physics to extend the time between applications.

Is there a right way to apply self-tanning lotion to avoid streaks and patchy skin?

When applying the Luxe Tan, start with your legs, applying in long even strokes, working your way up. Once done, dress in something dark and loose to give the tan a chance to work its magic.

Expert Tip: Make sure to rinse off your palms and the webs of your fingers before the tan sets for a more natural look.

How long will my tan last if done correctly?

Typically, your tan should last about a week to ten days. The best way to preserve your tan is to moisturize with a high-quality lotion daily.

Pole Physics Luxe Tan is a gradual self-tanner with added natural DHA that provides a long-lasting tanning effect. This also makes achieving and maintaining your desired level of tan a lot easier. All you need to do is apply it regularly or mix it with your lotion to extend the times between applications