
The Ultimate Guide to Pole Fitness Grip: How Pole Physics Can Enhance Your Performance

The Ultimate Guide to Pole Fitness Grip: How Pole Physics Can Enhance Your Performance

“What? Moisturize? I'm a pole dancer, I can't moisturize!” Lou Landers during her early days as a poler.

Dancers were told not to moisturize, and polers like Lou couldn’t figure out how to balance keeping their skin hydrated while regularly poling.

Using traditional lotions, caused slipping and so lotions were banned at pole studios in case applying lotion caused students to slide off the pole. But as Lou found, even after ditching the moisturizers, she was still slipping and sliding unless using some form of chemical grip aid.

To top it all off, she now had to contend with sensitive, dry and cracked skin

That was until she decided to try Pole Physics Luxe Gradual Tan

“Well, well—what do you know? Not only did I end up with an awesome tan, but Pole Physics also helps me stick to the pole.”

She was also pleasantly surprised to find that the lotion was really great for her sensitive skin.

Like Lou, you might also have thought that moisturizing and pole fitness grip aren’t compatible. But the truth is that healthy, hydrated skin grips the pole much easier than dry skin.

To achieve this, you need a non-greasy solution that also improves the overall appearance of your skin. You want to achieve that golden glow, toned and glamorous both from afar and up close.

Let’s explore how Pole Physics can enhance your natural grip and learn:

  • The role of healthy skin in grip performance
  • Types of grips and how to achieve them in your pole fitness routine
  • Expert tips on how to use Pole Physics solutions to improve your grip performance

Table of Contents

1 - Chemical Grip: Tack & Sweat Management

Pole dancing can be a real grip test. It's all about finding that sweet spot between keeping your skin moisturized and using the right aids to help you stay on the pole.

You don't want your hands feeling like sandpaper or sore after every session, but that’s exactly what can happen if you use chemical grip aids on dry hands and skin.

Chemical grip aids enhance the friction between your skin and the pole.

They help increase "stickiness" or " tack" by reducing the slick from sweat, allowing you to nail those jaw-dropping moves with confidence. This also reduces the risk of any pole-related accidents.

However, using grip aids on dry skin can actually worsen your grip and potentially cause injury.

Most grip aids, such as liquid chalk, work by creating a thin layer of moisture on your skin that helps your hands stick to the pole.

Pro Tip: If your skin is dry, the grip aid can’t create that necessary layer of moisture. Instead, it further dries out your skin and makes it more prone to slipping.

Why Polers Need Chemical Grip Aids

While grip aids aren’t the magical solutions for grip, they contribute to a smoother pole experience.

  • Cold Weather: You'll have a harder time gripping the pole during cold winter days. Cold weather tends to dry out your skin, leaving no moisture to create traction. Metal poles also get very slippery when cold, making it even more difficult to maintain a grip.
  • Oily Skin: The presence of oil on the skin makes it difficult to maintain a secure grip, as it reduces friction and increases slipperiness. This results in a compromised hold on the pole, making it harder to perform moves, spins, and transitions.
  • Excessive Sweating: Dripping sweat while on the pole makes it slippery and impedes your ability to move smoothly along the pole.

The Relationship Between Healthy Skin and Chemical Grip Efficiency

Healthy, hydrated, and balanced skin allows grip aids to work more effectively by:

  • Creating a smooth and supple surface: When your skin is healthy and moisturized, it provides a smooth and supple surface for grip aids to adhere to. This allows for a better grip on the pole, ensuring a more even application of grip aids and consistent performance.
  • Regulating oil production: Properly moisturized skin is less likely to produce excess oil to compensate for dryness. Excessive oiliness can interfere with grip aids and cause slipping on the pole.
  • Hydrating your skin: Moisturizing your skin keeps it hydrated and prevents damage and injury. Well-hydrated skin reduces the need for excessive grip aid use, which can result in a messy buildup.

On the other hand, over-moisturizing has a negative effect on the effectiveness of grip aids.

When your skin is too greasy, grip aids can’t adhere to it effectively, decreasing grip efficiency on the pole. Grip aids mix with the excess oil on the skin, making it difficult for them to form a secure bond.

Most polers avoid this by completely skimping on moisturizing, but as we’ve seen, dry skin isn’t the solution either.

Finding the right balance of hydration and grip aid use will help maintain optimal grip efficiency while minimizing any negative effects on the skin.

Pole Physics has developed a line of body lotions specifically formulated for pole dancers to help you achieve this balance.

Pole Physics model

Our lotions are residue-free, so they won't interfere with the efficiency of your chosen grip aid.

They’ll also hydrate, soothe, and tone your skin, which will help create the ideal surface for grip aids to stick to while improving the overall health and appearance of your skin.

Pole Physics: Ethical and Effective Pole Grip Solutions

We also offer a line of Pole Dance Grip Aid solutions that will help you manage sweat without drying out your skin.

Enviro Grip

Enviro Grip by Kristy Sellars

Enviro Grip is a unique grip aid for pole and aerial fitness enthusiasts, which offers an eco-friendly choice for those looking to reduce their impact on the environment.

Its liquid chalk formula helps to reduce sweat and enhance grip during pole and aerial fitness sessions, making it a must-have for anyone looking to improve their grip performance.

One of the standout features of Enviro Grip is its biodegradable bottle—the first of its kind in the industry. Once the grip aid is finished, add it to your regular garbage bin, and it will degrade during the waste process.

What’s more, 50 cents from every bottle sold goes straight to Conservation International (CI), a non-profit organization that works towards environmental conservation.

To use Enviro Grip:

  1. Squeeze a small amount (about the size of a dime) onto one of your hands.
  2. Rub your hands together, spreading the product around until it is evenly distributed over both hands. Make sure to coat your palms, fingers, and thumbs thoroughly.
  3. Wait until the grip aid dries before touching the pole. This allows the product to form a thin moisture layer that allows for a better grip (Enviro Grip dries in just a few seconds).
  4. As you progress through your pole training session, you may notice that your hands start to sweat, or the product wears off. If this happens, reapply a small amount of grip aid to maintain a firm grip.
  5. Once you're done with your session, wash your hands with warm soapy water to remove any remaining grip aid product. This will help prevent product buildup on your skin, which can cause irritation.
"This grip aid is the best I've ever used for pole & aerial fitness. I highly recommend it."
Julie Chambers
"The scent is so refreshing, the product comes out of the bottle fast but disperses very evenly and smoothly onto the hands. It also works well to provide the intended grip"
Rachael Stead

X-Dry Grip 50ml

 X-Dry Grip 50ml

X-Dry Grip is a popular choice among polers both amateur and professional for providing a no-mess solution to enhance their grip performance.

Some key features of X-Dry Grip:

  • Easy application: Just apply a small amount to your hands and wait for it to dry before using the pole.
  • Versatility: It's suitable for various sports, making it a great investment for multi-sport athletes.
  • Long-lasting: A little goes a long way, so you'll get plenty of use out of each 50-ml bottle.

Both Enviro Grip and X-Dry Grip offer effective solutions for polers looking to improve their grip on the pole. While Enviro Grip is an excellent choice for eco-conscious athletes, X-Dry Grip offers a versatile and long-lasting formula.

We also recommend the following grip aids for additional support and enhanced performance:

  • Dry Hands: Ultimate grip aid for combatting perspiration or rain, delivering enhanced performance and unparalleled comfort
  • Mighty Grip: Thermoplastic wax powder grip aid activated by body heat, providing a long-lasting, non-slip grip with any part of the body
  • Griptinite Grip: A high-tech grip aid designed to combat rain, humidity, sweat, and body oils. Its instant activation ensures optimal performance and zero waste, making it ideal for maintaining a consistent grip in any athletic activity

2 - Natural Grip: The Power of Healthy Skin

Pole Physics model

While it's tempting to rely on chemical grip aids for maintaining your grip during pole dancing, bare skin actually provides a better grip on the pole.

Developing a natural grip allows for confident and fluid movement on the pole.

Healthy skin enhances your pole performance and reduces the likelihood of slipping and injury by:

  • Providing optimal friction: Healthy skin results in the right amount of friction with the pole, enabling you to securely hold on to it and execute your moves with confidence.
  • Enhancing skin elasticity: Well-hydrated skin has improved elasticity, which helps prevent tearing and bruising when performing intense pole routines.
  • Minimizing skin irritation: Healthy skin is less prone to irritation and chafing caused by frequent contact with the pole.

In contrast, dry skin causes the hands to slip or slide on the pole, making it difficult to maintain certain moves. This can cause discomfort and hinder your ability to focus on the routine and perform at your best.

What Causes Dry Skin?

Using grip aids without properly hydrating your skin can dry it out more since most grip aids contain alcohol. Harsh chemicals, such as alcohol and sulfates strip away the skin’s natural oils, leaving it more vulnerable to dryness, irritation, and damage.

Some other factors that cause dry skin include:

  • Dehydration: Staying hydrated improves your skin’s hydration and elasticity. Not consuming enough water will lead to dryness and negatively affect your natural grip.
  • Environmental factors: Exposure to harsh weather, such as cold temperatures and low humidity, causes the skin to lose moisture, resulting in dryness and dehydration.
  • Over-cleansing: Excessive washing and scrubbing strip your skin of its natural oils that help to keep it moisturized and healthy.

How to Improve Your Skin’s Overall Health

Here are some tips to help you improve your skin’s health and get a healthy, natural glow that grips the pole easily.

  • Stay hydrated: Ensure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This helps improve blood circulation, allowing your skin to receive the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and function properly.
  • Use a gentle cleanser: You’ll certainly break out a sweat after your pole dancing class. Use a gentle cleanser to wash off the sweat and dirt. A gentle cleanser will maintain your skin’s pH and preserve its natural oils.
  • Replenish your skin with natural products: Opt for a lotion that contains natural ingredients such as Vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, and horsetail. These ingredients will soothe and calm your skin. Natural ingredients also have hydrating properties that lock in your skin's moisture and prevent dryness.

Daily Application of Pole Physics Body Lotions for Improved Natural Grip

Incorporating Pole Physics body lotions into your daily skin care routine can significantly improve your skin's health and grip performance.

  • Quick absorption: Our body lotions are specifically formulated to be lightweight and non-greasy, which means they are quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving no residue or stickiness behind.
  • All-natural ingredients: Pole Physics lotions contain natural and healthy products, such as Vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, and arnica, that are gentle on your skin. All our lotions are additionally free from harmful chemicals including parabens, mineral oils, and artificial fragrances.
  • Improved skin appearance: Regular use of Pole Physics lotions can help you achieve smoother, suppler, and more toned skin. This improves your overall appearance, making you look glamorous while on the pole.
  • Compatible with grip aids: Our lotions moisturize the skin without leaving behind any residue that can interfere with the effectiveness of grip aids. By using lotions alongside your grip aid, you reduce the need for excessive reapplication of the grip aid, as the lotion helps maintain the skin's hydration and natural oils.

Here’s how to add the Pole Physics line of body lotions to your daily routine for healthy skin:

  1. Start by exfoliating your skin 2–3 times a week in the shower using a gentle exfoliating scrub. This will help remove dead skin cells and allow your lotion to be absorbed more easily.
  2. After showering, wait for less than 5 minutes to apply your Pole Physics lotion while your pores are still open.
  3. Pump a small amount of lotion into your hand. Rub the lotion into your skin, paying extra attention to dry areas such as knees, elbows, and feet.
  4. Wait for the lotion to fully absorb into your skin before getting dressed. It's best to wait up to 7 hours before poling to ensure maximum absorption and effectiveness of the lotion.
  5. After 7 hours, you can pole dance with your grip aids. Pole Physics lotions work well with grip aids, so you don't need to wash them off before poling.

Remember: Don't apply the lotion and head straight to the pole, as this can leave a residue on the pole, which may affect the next class or person using the pole.

3 - Strength Grip: Enhancing Hand and Leg Grip

Pole Physics model

Grip strength plays a crucial role in pole fitness performance.

A strong grip is crucial for:

  • Supporting your body weight while climbing, spinning, and inverting
  • Maintaining control during dynamic movements and transitions
  • Reducing the risk of injury due to slipping or losing grip
  • Enhancing endurance and minimizing muscle fatigue
  • Boosting overall performance and confidence

Without proper grip strength, executing even the most basic pole fitness moves can be a daunting task.

The following three exercises can help improve your grip strength and enhance your performance.

Dead Hangs

Dead hangs improve your support grip. This exercise involves wrapping the hand and fingers around the bar, with the thumb on top, to provide a secure hold and support while hanging from the pole.

It’s commonly used in moves where the bar is horizontal (think chin-up bar) and the hands and arms bear the weight of the body.

To perform a dead hang:

  1. Find a pull-up bar you can comfortably reach while standing. Stand directly underneath the bar with your feet apart.
  2. Engage your shoulders by pulling them down, which activates your back muscles and prepares you for the hang.
  3. Place your hands on the bar using a support grip. This means all your fingers should be on one side of the bar, with your palms facing up. Make sure your shoulders are still engaged and your elbows are straight.
  4. Allow your body to hang below your shoulders, lifting your feet off the ground. You should feel the weight transfer to your upper palm and fingers.
  5. Hold this position for 1–2 minutes or as long as you can. Focus on maintaining your grip and keeping your shoulders engaged throughout the hang.
  6. To come out of the dead hang, slowly lower your feet back to the ground and release your grip from the bar.

Plate Grip

This exercise targets the finger flexor muscles, which are essential for developing grip strength.

As you hold the weight plate between your fingers and thumb, your finger flexors have to work hard to maintain the grip and prevent the plate from slipping. This results in increased activation of the finger flexor muscles, which helps strengthen them over time.

  1. Choose a weight plate that you can comfortably hold in one hand. It's best to start with a smaller weight and work your way up to heavier plates as you gain body strength.
  2. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and balance throughout the exercise.
  3. Roll your shoulders back and down, avoiding any hunching or rounding of the upper back.
  4. Let your arms hang naturally by your sides with a slight bend at the elbows. Extend your fingers and place them around the edges of the weight plate with your thumb on the other side opposing your fingers.
  5. Squeeze the plate with your fingers and thumb as hard as you can, aiming to create as much tension as possible in your grip.
  6. Hold the plate for a designated period of time, starting with around 10–20 seconds and gradually working your way up to 1–2 minutes.
  7. Repeat the exercise with the other hand, maintaining proper form and technique.
  8. Gradually increase the weight of the plate as you become stronger, continuing to challenge your grip strength and finger flexion abilities.
  9. Perform plate pinches regularly as part of your pole training routine, aiming for 2–3 sets of 10 repetitions with each hand.

Weighted Wrist Curls

Weighted wrist curls improve grip strength by targeting the wrist and forearm muscles, which play a key role in grip strength. This translates to improved performance while climbing the pole.

To perform a weighted wrist curl:

  1. Hold a barbell in one hand, with your palm facing up and your forearm resting on a bench or a flat surface.
  2. Slowly curl your wrist upwards, keeping your forearm stable and only moving your wrist.
  3. Hold the weight at the top of the movement for 1–2 seconds.
  4. Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of reps and then switch to the other arm.
  6. Perform 3–4 sets of 8–12 reps on each arm, with a weight that allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise.

Expert Tip: Healthy skin is crucial in maximizing grip strength, as it ensures the most effective contact between your hands, legs, and the pole. Improve your grip strength and pole fitness performance by maintaining well-hydrated and supple skin with Pole Physics lotions.

Pole Physics: Optimal Grip Performance and Skin Health Solution

Try out Pole Physics body lotions today and experience the ultimate solution for optimal grip performance and skin health.

All our lotions contain these three natural and nourishing ingredients:

  • Vitamin E: Forms a protective barrier over the skin's surface, locking in moisture and preventing water loss
  • Ginkgo biloba: Fights free radicals and protects your skin from oxidative stress, minimizing the signs of aging and leaving your skin looking more youthful and radiant
  • Horsetail: Promotes collagen production, which helps rejuvenate the skin, improving its texture and reducing the appearance of blemishes

Our lotions are quickly absorbed and compatible with your favorite grip aids, such as Enviro Grip or Dry Hands.

What’s more, our non-slick lotions are free from harmful chemicals, making them a safe choice for all skin types.

The table below highlights our range of non-slip body lotions.

Lotion Description Image

Luxe Gradual Tan

  • Quick absorbent tanner that leaves no residue
  • Light summery scent, inspired by the Australian lemon myrtle
  • Pole-friendly gradual tanner
  • Enhances skin tone and firmness

Luxe Gradual Tan

Arnica & Green Tea

  • Non-slip body lotion
  • Contains green tea that helps give your skin a radiant look
  • Beautiful and luxurious vanilla fragrance
  • Contains arnica that helps naturally soothe and nurture the skin

Arnica & Green Tea body lotion

Pole Mumma Lotion (Unscented)

  • No-slick lotion
  • Pregnancy friendly
  • For all skin types & ages (0+)
  • Vegan & cruelty-free
  • Unscented lotion safe for mum and baby
  • Contains no chemical nasties

Pole Mumma Lotion

Aussie Lemon Myrtle

  • Non-slip body lotion
  • Light summery scent inspired by the Australian coastal bushland
  • Quickly absorbed
  • Natural lemon myrtle fragrance

Aussie Lemon Myrtle

So, go ahead, get Pole Physics lotions, and unleash your inner pole dance superstar.

"I used Pole Physics gradual tan pole moisturiser every night leading up to the show. Not only did it repair my damaged skin but it also gave me a bit of a tan - woohoo. Now I swear by it, pole dancers are now allowed to moisturise - its great"
Bendy Kate