
Pole Dance Workshop Survival Guide: Tips for Success

Pole Dance Workshop Survival Guide: Tips for Success

Welcome to the Ultimate Survival Guide for Pole Dance Workshops, Expos & multi-day Pole Events! Whether you're a seasoned pole dancer or a beginner looking to explore this exciting art form, attending a pole dance workshop can be an incredible experience, IF you do it right!

To ensure you make the most of it, we've put together this comprehensive guide to help you prepare and thrive during your pole dance workshops.

Pre-Workshop Preparation:

Research Your Event 

If you're planning on attending an event that spans a few days, it's a good idea to do a little research beforehand. 

Make sure to check out the content, instructors, and skill-level requirements. It can also be super helpful to read reviews and testimonials from people who have attended the workshop in the past. That way, you can get a better idea of what to expect and make sure it's the right fit & level for you. 

Pack Essentials

Pole attire: Wear comfortable, form-fitting clothing. Bring different outfits if you'll be taking multiple classes. Multi-day pole classes are all about the long game, & so comfort is key. Bring warm hoodies for in between classes & our faves - Pole Uggs for both on & off the poles (yes, an aussie invention and the comfiest pole footwear you'll ever get!)

Grip aids: Carry your preferred grip aids, such as grip gloves, chemical grip-enhancing products, or grip clothing.

Water bottle: Stay hydrated by bringing a reusable water bottle. Refill regularly & bring a hydration solution if you're poling in the heat. 

Healthy snacks: Pack nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and protein bars to refuel during breaks. 

Notebook and pen: Take notes during the workshop to remember key tips and techniques. Always ask if you intend to video or film during workshops, even if you only plan on videoing yourself. Be courteous and also ask your pole neighbours as not everyone is comfy on camera.

During the Workshop:

Arrive Early:

Arriving at the venue a bit early can really make a difference! You'll have plenty of time to get settled in, meet some new people, choose your fave pole and get yourself ready for the workshop.

Warm-Up Thoroughly:

If you are doing multiple workshops each day, it's SUPER important to take the time to warm up your muscles and joints every class. This will help prevent injuries and ensure that you get the most out of your workout. 

Listen and Ask Questions:

Pay close attention to the instructor and ask questions if you need clarification. Workshops are a great opportunity to learn from experts. Sometimes you can get starstruck, but remember, even pol-ebrities are humans too and everyone was a beginner at some point. Teachers prefer you to ask if you're unsure & the best teachers will encourage it. 

Respect Your Limits:

Know your limits and don't push yourself too hard. It's okay to take breaks if you need them. If you want to pole consistently over several days you will need to pace it. Don't go too hard too early!

Engage with a Fellow Pole Dancer:

Socialize and exchange tips with other participants. You can learn a lot from their experiences and insights. 

Stay Hydrated and Nourished:

Drink water regularly to stay hydrated, and snack on your healthy options during breaks.

Feedback and Corrections:

Be open to feedback and corrections from the instructor. This is how you refine your skills and progress.


Cool Down and Stretch:

  • This one is HUGE!! Remember to give yourself some time to cool down and stretch your muscles after each workshop. This will help prevent any soreness or potential injuries. Well you may not be able to prevent the soreness, but it gives you the best chance of being able to go the distance & be standing on day 3. STRETCH!!


Pole dancing can be physically demanding, so taking care of yourself is important. After each day, make sure to schedule some down time to rest, have a good dinner & breakfast, and consider a massage or ice bath to soothe sore muscles. Yes we said ice. Horrific right? But you know who swears by them? Kristy Sellars. If she can get through 15 shows a day using cold showers and ice baths - there's gotta be something to it!

After your shower - your post-workshop skincare routine becomes essential for pole dancers, because intense pole dancing workshops, can take a hefty toll on your skin. 

Sweat, friction and even just constant climbing can lead to brass burn, blisters, hand tears, skin irritation, breakouts, and dehydration. Soothing your skin in the evening before bed, gives you the best chance of recovery. 

1. Cleansing:

Why: Cleansing after an intense pole workshop is crucial to remove sweat, redidue from grip aids and dirt. It will also prevent clogged pores that can lead to breakouts.

How: Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face and body. Pay extra attention to areas that come into contact with the pole, like arms and legs.

2. Exfoliation:

Normally YES. During workshops, NO. Your skin will be too sore. We recommend exfoliating regularly in the lead up to the event, then resuming several days after you arrive home. 

Why exfoliate: By using gloves, you remove the dead layers of skin that can prevent your skin from gripping well to the pole. Exfoliating gloves are a great addition to your pole skincare routine, providing a gentle and effective way to remove dead skin cells and improve your overall healthy skin. Pole Physics gloves are made of a specialized fabric that uses friction to exfoliate your skin without the need for additional shower gels or scrubs. The gloves can improve skin tone, circulation, and overall skin health, leading to softer, smoother, and less dull skin. They are intense though!! Click here! To discover more about Pole Physics exfoliating gloves.

Definitely use your gloves at home before the event starts, they will ensure your skin is primed and grippy & give you the best start to gripping on day one with no grip products. 

...but don't pack this tough little baby in your case. It's too intense to use on workshop days. You will absolutely need the next product in your bag though... it will be your lifesaver!!

3. Moisturising - Body Lotion:

Why: After attending a pole workshop, you will want your body ltion. It's a total no brainer. Your skin will be aching and sore. Soothe, nurture & thank you hard working body after bathing, with body lotion. 

Not only will Pole Physics nuture your skin helping with post-workshop recovery, dry skin can be slippery, so it's important to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. Applying lotion after the workshop can provide your skin with an extra boost of moisture and soothe any soreness.

How: Pole Physics is the only body lotion in the world specifically designed to improve the health of your skin when you pole dance! For all skin types, Pole Physics is not a grip aid. It will help your skin recover overnight and will prime you for your next day of intensity ahead.

For best results use 7-10 hours before poling (ideally after your shower each night).

Click Here! To Find out more.


Attending a pole dance event, expo, convetion, retreat etc ... the workshops can be an enriching and empowering experience. 

With proper preparation, a positive mindset, and dedication to learning, you can make the most of your investment. 

Remember, pole dance is a journey of self-discovery and confidence-building. Enjoy the process, don't put pressure on yourself and go at your own pace. It's the experience & the journey (all the people, the ideas, the inspiration) not the destination. 

Have you been on a pole retreat before? What were your tips for getting the most out of it? Share on your socials & tag us with your ideas @PolePhysics xx