
Grip Maintenance for Pole Dancers: How to Keep Your Hands Happy and Healthy

Grip Maintenance for Pole Dancers: How to Keep Your Hands Happy and Healthy

Pole dancing is a physically demanding and exhilarating form of exercise and self-expression. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pole dancer, maintaining a strong and secure grip is essential for your safety and performance. In this blog post, we'll explore some essential grip maintenance tips and introduce you to a fantastic product called Pole Physics, a specially formulated, cruelty free lotion that can help you keep your hands happy and healthy throughout your pole dance journey.

The Importance of Grip Maintenance

Maintaining a strong grip is crucial in pole dancing for several reasons:

  1. Safety: A secure grip ensures you will not slip or fall during your routines, reducing the risk of injuries.
  2. Performance: A strong grip allows you to execute advanced moves and transitions with confidence and precision.
  3. Progression: To advance in pole dancing, you will need to build strength and endurance in your hands and fingers, which starts with proper grip maintenance.

Tips for Healthy Hands:

Proper Hand Hygiene: Clean hands are essential for maintaining a good grip. Wash your hands thoroughly before your pole dance session to remove oils, dirt, and any residues that can reduce your grip.

Hand Care After Training: After your pole dancing session, take care of your hands. Wash them gently with mild soap to remove any grip aid residue. Apply a moisturiser to prevent dryness and keep your skin soft and healthy.

Rest and Recovery: Allow your hands to rest and recover between pole sessions. Overtraining can lead to hand fatigue and injuries.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain in your hands. If you experience persistent pain or injuries, consult a medical professional or a physical therapist for guidance and treatment.

Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for overall skin health. Drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

Moisturise with Care: While it's essential to keep your hands clean, avoid over-moisturizing before pole dancing. Too much moisture can make your hands slippery. If you want to use lotion, opt for a grip-specific product like Pole Physics.

Maintain Proper Pole Cleanliness: Ensure the pole itself is clean and free from residue. Wipe it down with a clean cloth or pole cleaner before your practice.

Hand Calluses

Calluses forming on your hands is an inevitable part of training. Unfortunately, calluses can sometimes tear causing terrible pain. It makes working out much more difficult and in some cases training time has to be postponed until your hands have a chance to heal.

Calluses generally are nothing more than thicker areas of skin. They form from the repetitive friction and pressure on the skin. A callus typically appears on the hands from repeated poling - particularly on brass, silicone or powder-coated poles. It’s a protective barrier that is more resistant to the force and friction. But if your hands aren’t cared for correctly, then calluses can become a nuisance, and worst, rip right off. A callus tear takes time to heal and throws your training schedule completely off.

Winnie’s RipFix® is the ideal product for hands damaged from pole or aerials. It helps maintain good calluses, aids against tearing, takes the sting out of rips and speeds up recovery.

Introducing Pole Physics Lotion

At Pole Physics, we produce natural skin care lotions that we and other polers enjoy and derive maximum benefits from to keep your skin healthy.

Some of our favourite COSMOS Certified natural extracts that you will find in most of our products to improve skin health include:

  • Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that moisturizes, nourishes, protects, and tones your skin. When applied regularly, it can help repair, restore, and improve the overall health of your skin.
  • Horsetail extract: It contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that help repair damaged skin. It also can help cleanse and energize your skin to help it stay firm and tight.
  • Ginkgo extract: An antioxidant with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help improve your skin's moisture retention, reduce roughness and the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Arnica extract: A natural ingredient that can help promote healing, soothes the skin and can assist with the prevention of hyperpigmentation and scarring.
  • Green tea extract: A rich antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. This can help improve skin radiance, complexion, and soothe irritation and redness.

For best results: lotion should be applied 7-10 hours before poling (ideally after your shower each day). This is to ensure the lotion is completely absorbed into the skin and hands.

Are you ready to elevate your pole dancing experience while keeping your hands happy and healthy? Now, it is time to act and invest in the well-being of your hands. Try Pole Physics today! Your hands deserve the best care, and Pole Physics is here to provide it. Take the first step toward happier, healthier hands, and let your pole dancing skills soar to new heights.

Shop Pole Physics Now!