
Our Top Tips For Handcare

Our Top Tips For Handcare

Your hands are your secret weapon, and it's high time you gave them the TLC they deserve. Here are our top six tips for keeping your hands happy and healthy.

 1. Hand Calluses:

When you're training hard, it's normal to get calluses on your hands. They form from all that friction and pressure, but they can also be a real pain. Sometimes calluses can even tear, which can be super uncomfortable and make working out much harder. And let's face it, waiting for your hands to heal can be a real bummer.

But don't worry, there's a solution! Winnie's RipFix® is the perfect product for anyone whose hands have been damaged from poles or aerials. It's designed to help maintain healthy calluses, prevent tearing, and speed up your recovery time. So, if you want to keep training hard without any pain or hassle, give Winnie's RipFix® a try!

2. Nail Care 101:

Long, dazzling nails might be tempting, but short and well-manicured nails are your best bet in the pole dancing world. Not only do short nails reduce the risk of injury, but they also prevent snags on the pole. Treat yourself to a manicure now and then – it's not just about aesthetics; it's a form of self-care that your hands will appreciate.

3. Grip Aids to the Rescue: 

Pole dancing involves a lot of gripping and holding on for dear life. To ease the strain on your hands, consider using grip aids. From grip-enhancing lotions to gloves and powders, there's a wide array of products designed to give you that extra edge. Experiment with different options and find what works best for you.

4. Ice and Heat for Recovery:

Just like any athlete, pole dancers can experience muscle soreness and hand fatigue. Treat your hands to some post-pole therapy with ice packs and heat pads. Alternating between cold and heat can help reduce inflammation and promote faster recovery. Your hands deserve a spa day too!

5. Hand Strengthening Exercises: 

Your hands are the unsung heroes of your pole dance routine, so why not show them some strength training love? Incorporate hand exercises into your routine to build endurance and prevent injuries. Squeeze a stress ball, do finger stretches, and practice gripping exercises to keep your hands in peak performance shape.

6. Listen to Your Hands: 

Your hands are your best indicators. If they're feeling fatigued or sore, don't ignore the signals. Take breaks when needed, and allow your hands to recover. Overtraining can lead to injuries, so be mindful of your body and its cues.

Check out Pole Physics to find all the essentials to keep your hands healthy and ready for all your pole classes!