
How to Create a Skincare Routine for Pole Dancers to Keep Skin Soft and Supple

How to Create a Skincare Routine for Pole Dancers to Keep Skin Soft and Supple

Healthy skin grips better than dry skin. Dry scaly skin will cause you to be much more slippery on the pole. Even if you don't have grip issues, with so much skin on show - your skincare should always be a priority. Enhance your tone and your grip! Developed by Australian pole dancers with a love for natural, healthy products. Pole Physics is the only no-slick, non-slip body lotion designed specifically to be used by polers.

Here are our Top 3 Steps for the Ultimate Skin Care Routine for Pole Dancers:


It is essential to clean your skin thoroughly after a pole dancing session to maintain healthy and glowing skin. Start by washing your face and body with warm water to open up your pores. Then, apply a gentle, hydrating cleanser to remove all the dirt, sweat, and makeup residues from your skin.


As a pole dancer, you know the importance of maintaining healthy and smooth skin for an effective grip on the pole. Pole Physics exfoliating gloves can help you achieve this goal. These gloves are made of a specialized fabric that uses friction to exfoliate your skin without the need for additional shower gels or scrubs. The gloves can improve skin tone, circulation, and overall skin health, leading to softer, smoother, and more radiant skin.

To use the gloves, wet them and use firm but gentle strokes to exfoliate your skin. Avoid using them on sensitive areas, such as the face or areas with sunburn or inflamed skin, and don't scrub too hard. It is recommended to use the gloves 1-2 times per week for best results.


Moisturising with Pole Physics daily; your grip products will not only work better but your skin will grip better without them. Make sure you apply your Pole Physics lotion within 5 minutes of your shower, when your pores are still open.

Ideally, you should wait up to 7 hours before poling after applying your lotion. With Pole Physics you don't need to wash it off before poling. It's been engineered specifically for dancing and will help your grip aides work better with your skin... but don't apply lotion and then go straight to pole. Chances are you will leave residue on the pole which isn't fair to your studio or the next class. Leaving Pole Physics on your skin for 7-10 hours before pole will ensure it's absorbed and your skin is looking great.

The Sensitiv-e is by far my favourite product. I have always struggled with not only irritations caused by most moisturisers, but also reactions to some grip-aids in pole dancing. This addresses both issues, as I don't have a reaction AND naturally grip the pole better, both with my hands & rest of my body. Love that for me! - Crystal Rae Pole Physics Ambassador

Ready to discover the secrets behind our ambassadors' glowing and healthy skin? Head over to our Instagram now and explore the skincare routines of our amazing ambassadors. Find out the tips, tricks, and products they swear by for maintaining soft and supple skin, even while embracing the challenging world of pole dancing. Follow us on Instagram to stay updated with their skincare journeys and uncover your path to radiant skin.